Interesting content, including some „gems“ found off the beaten path of the interwebs, linked for your convenience.

Pilots of Europe (WhatsApp Community)
Join Pilots of Europe, a WhatsApp group and pilot community for discussion, advice and networking for better, safer flying & stronger general aviation in Europe.

Upload your avionics and app log files to enjoy an absolutely amazing software tool for analyzing and visualizing your flights in order to discover truly valuable insights into your flights. Includes Engine Monitoring, Traffic circuit/pattern comparison, Approach scoring, Aircraft sharing, Video upload with instrument overlay and much more…
Do you find Google Flights frustrating too sometimes when you can’t find a good flight? I discovered this fantastic website & app to easily and quickly find any possible flight connection for airline flights “off the beaten path”. Simply find all available airline flights for any given origin or destination airport for only 30 bucks a year using Try it for free and you will see.
It has helped me find last minute travel options at great prices all over Europe many times.
I 10/10 recommend it!

Scandinavian Skies
Individualized flight training, ICAO ELP language exams, survival equipment rental, fly-out destination + touring organization as well as maintenance and pre-buy advice for pilots.

Erlend Vaage’s CB IR & BIR Theory Books 
A fellow ga pilot wrote these highly recommendable EASA CB IR & BIR Books, used now by more and more ATO’s for the theoretical part of the IFR course. You can buy hardcopies or download the books immediately via the Apple Bookstore

MyClimbrate – Swiss Pilot 
Some good info (e.g. on EASA NCO IFR minimum required equipment) is available here alongside numerous other nice flying related articles by a pilot from Switzerland.

Combustion Engine Animation

This is hands down the world’s best combustion engine working principle explanation. Beautifully crafted with fantastic animations. Find more excellent work by Bartosz Ciechanowski

Airborne – Swedish Pilot
A wealth of information about EASA regulations and flying related information by a Swedish pilot and flying club president.

Slovenia Free VFR Airfield Charts
Free Slovenian VFR Charts in .pdf available here. Unofficial! Backup link here
Airfields: LJAJ Ajdovščina, LJBL Bled, LJBO Bovec, LJCL Celje, LJDI Divača, LJMS Murska Sobota, LJNM Novo Mesto, LJPO Postojna, LJPT Ptuj, LJSG Slovenj Gradec, LJSK Slovenske Konjice, LJSO Šoštanj; UL-Fields: Cerkvenjak, Kamnik, Kočevje, Metlika, Podčetrtek, Šentvid, Veržej

Autorouter for European IFR flight planning and Eurocontrol Route Validation
Most European pilots, especially those flying IFR, are thankful for this fantastic flight planning resource, provided free of charge by a fellow pilot. Check out the telegram messenger bot feature for instant weather information, slot coordination and flight plan changes. Thank you, A.utorouter!

Aero Toolbox
High quality tutorials, calculators, and teaching aids to the next generation of pilots and aerospace professionals.